Monday 27 March 2017

A Few More Thread Painted Pictures.

March 27th 2017.

March is coming to an end and we are wondering if it is going to go out like a Lion or a Lamb. The weather has been so up and down cold winds for a few days or quite mild weather I think my spring bulbs will be quite muddled, with the conflicting temps.

As I mentioned I have a new laptop and it has a different Windows system to what I am used to and it has been quite a learning curve for me, not being very teckey!!! Now there is a new word for the dictionary!! So the pictures I have on my I pad I have not been able to download onto here but we will keep trying.

Here are a few pictures that I have that you may not of seen.

This is a thread painting I did of the Bridge to Skye, Scotland. It was a photo I took in 2015 when we went to Scotland and we had a lovely trip in the train from Dingwall it was beautiful day weather wise as we left with a bit of scotch mist in the air but as we traveled westward we ran out of the rain and it turned into a beautiful day. On the way home we ran into the rain and apparently it had rained all day where we had rented the cottage.  Hoping that one day we can return, some lovely memories and it was like going back in time as we had visited with an  aunt and uncle when we were children over looking the beach that we would play on as kids.

Here is a thread painting I did last year of my Black eyed Susans I was very please with how this one turned out. Sometimes some subjects work better than others. I find if I am doing thread painting on my photo's it is better if the photo doesn't have too much subject. Less is better. And that also goes with the thread painting knowing when to draw the line and stop sometimes one can over do it then it spoils the effect you are trying achieve.


This is a thread painting of The Three Sisters, mountains in Canmore.AB. It is just beautiful mountains and the scenery is spectacular.Believe it or not but the photo was taken in late June and still snow on the mountain range. We rented a Cruise Canada Winnebago to take us to all the beautiful and wonderful sites. This was the year we went with my brother and wife and the two guys shared in the driving, so this gave them each a chance to see the wonderful scenery.

I hope that you enjoy the pictures and I promise to work on the ones of my sewing studio so hopefully by the time I post next time I will have solved the problem.

I have been working on a few more thread paintings to go with my stock as I have been invited to take part in an open house in May with 5 other artisans, I am really looking forward to seeing the others work. The lady that hosts it is a beautiful potter and I love her work. So maybe at a later date I will have some pictures of the Open House. So I keep busy and I am so fortunate to be able to spend time at what I love doing. For many years while in business with my hair salon I would think one day when I am retired I would like to garden more and do quilting and such. Then I found thread painting and I got really sucked in with it, it is so additive!!

Please feel free to ask any questions it is always good to hear from people and I too love to hear about others adventures.  Maybe one day when I have my photos sorted on this new laptop I will be able to take you on a trip via my photos our adventures in Australia.

I know we all have responsibilities of one thing or another but I thought this quote is right even if it is only 5 mins in one day.

Always find time for the things that make you feel happy to be alive.

That's all for now see you in April.!!


  1. Ally, I really enjoy your Thread Art. I do not think I have the patience for it.

    1. Carol, thanks for your comment. I find thread painting very additive and time flies by when I am at my machine. Stop by again as will be posting more from time to time.

  2. Beautiful work, I will add your blog to Bloglovin so I can follow you

    1. Thank you Diana. I have some new photos of my new sewing studio, but haven't figured yet how to post from new laptop, this Windows 10 is quite different fro Windows 7. So will have some more to post.
