Saturday 15 July 2017


JULY 15TH 2017.

Part one of our travels to Newfoundland..

We had a lovely time weather wise and family time in Newfoundland, as many of you know the ROCK can have cool weather at times but it seems while the rest of Ontario had a mixed bag of weather we lucked out on our trip to our family on the Rock.  We did have heavy rain on one Sunday and then again the morning we flew back home so we considered ourselves very fortunate and looking by family posts on FB they are still having nice weather.

Of course our excitement was having nearly all our grandsons together at one time. Our eldest grandson Lucas took a trip with his other grandparents for a surprise visit to visit his Aunt and Uncle that were unable to make the his graduation. So he travelled with them to the States.

One of my favourite places in Newfoundland is The Gravels, so we headed there for our first trip for a hike on the trails with the most beautiful views to be seen. BUT before we could do that the boys and of course the grownups all had a time of skipping rocks.


While others went looking for crabs or fossils in the rocks some found nice rocks to paint .

Then we left the beach and heading up on the trail which takes in the most beautiful views and vistas. The rock formations is very craggy and reminds me so much of my Father birthplace Scotland UK.
The rocks go back to previous ice age this being the reason one can sometime see fossils in the rocks.
Here are a few views to take in and maybe interest you to travel to this region.

After hiking over the trails and calling out to one another over the wide cliff and hearing  our echoing voices return to us, quite a eerie feeling. Then we tracked back, some of us taking a rest on our way.

Then we had a group picture with the four grandsons and that was a feat in a half!!!!

Along the side of the road in the ditches the beautiful wild lupins grow and also up Leigh and Duncan's back lane.

Well hope you have enjoyed coming along on our little trip I will post a few more pics next time.
As you can see I have captured some lovely views and the flowers will probably be great subjects for my thread painting.

One thing before closing I should mention that we were on the West Coast of Newfoundland.
And please feel free to ask questions or make comments.

We are all visitors to this time, this place. 
We are just passing through.
Our purpose here is to observe.
to learn,to grow, 
to love.... and then we return home.

Australian Aboriginal Proverb.



  1. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures, Ally! How nice to have so many of the grandkids together. We are heading there on Saturday and hoping the nice weather lasts. Love the Lupins and the proverb you shared.

    1. Cathie and Larry have a great trip, from the pics my family are showing us they are having a good summer weather wise.
      Safe travels, Enjoy!! When summer activities die down we must get together again.
