Saturday 15 December 2018

UK trip

Visiting a Textile Artist.

For a few years now I have been following the work of Alison Holt, a well known and very talented Textile Artist, specializing and teaching of Thread Paintings. Her work is superb and it is on my bucket list to take one of her courses one day. She travels to Australia and New Zealand as well as the UK to teach her techniques of thread painting. I was first introduced to her by my Australian friend Barbara Blackwell. So it was on my list to visit the gallery she places her work at. When I knew that I would be near where she lives and the gallery where she sales and shows her work, I contacted to find more details of location of gallery and its opening times, and she invited me to her studio. What a wonderful experience to see her work up close and personal and to actually meet her in person.
My brother and wife as well as Paul were with me and they said that my whole being showed the excitement I felt.
This myself with Alison.


In the background you see the beautiful work on Alison.

Here are two of her pieces of the English countryside, I think my favorite is the bluebell woods.


  1. Gorgeous works of art!! You were so very lucky!!

    1. Farm Quilter seems I am having trouble seeing comments and also I know there are more people than 4 followering me, wondered is your picture(avatar ) up on the right side of followers? Still fairly new at this posting and hubby was trying to post where to make a comment, maybe you could tell me where you posted your comment as I did get that.
